People often ask me a rhetoric question, “You live in your own fancy world, don’t you?” To which I have standardized my reply, “Yes I do. Why whose world do you live in?” It’s saddening to see people live in a world they don’t believe to be their own. Maybe that’s the root cause to every irresponsible step we take in life (it’s not my world anyways!!); that’s why people don’t own their problems and prefer to flee from it convincing their soul that the problem is bigger than them, but secretly, unknown to themselves, they nurture it within. A world lost on to them - a life, until now, not very well spent. It saddens me more that in what seems to be a stark contrast, we created a hue and cry to be “free”, to live in a world that belongs to “us” – a world that belongs to “me”. But it seems like we won the fight but we are yet to win the war. The concept of freedom is much trickier than we think it is. To most of us it means doing whatever you want to do in life. But were tha...